3 Reasons Your Small Business May Need Surveillance Investigations

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As a small business owner, you know numerous things can affect your bottom line and threaten your business. Some of these threats come from outside your business, while others may come from inside your business. You may benefit from surveillance investigations to get a handle on these threats and figure out what is happening. Here are a few reasons you may need surveillance inside and outside your business.

1. Internal Theft

Internal theft may be one of the most significant threats to your bottom line. An estimated 90% of all substantial theft losses do not come from shoplifters but come from employees. Surprisingly, approximately 75% of employees admit to stealing from their employer at least once. 

If you suspect your business is experiencing significant internal theft, you may consider hiring a company performing professional surveillance investigations. Professional surveillance investigators research, investigate, and record employees who may be stealing from you. 

Because the investigators do this covertly, they are more likely to uncover theft than you can investigating on your own. They will report their findings to you throughout their investigation or at its conclusion. 

2. Worker's Compensation Cases

In most states, small businesses with more than a few full-time employees must have worker's compensation insurance. The actual number of employees varies from state to state.

For example, Alaska, Alabama, and California require a policy for any business with one or more employees. In comparison, Arkansas and Georgia do not require a policy until you employ three or more people. 

While worker's compensation policies can start inexpensive, they become more expensive for businesses as employees makes claims against them. Unfortunately, only some workers' compensation claims are legitimate. Some employees are guilty of malingering, exaggerating, or feigning their illness to collect benefits. 

Surveillance will help you discern which of your worker's compensation claims are legitimate and which are not. This information may come in handy, especially if facing a large settlement or payout of benefits.

3. Potential Lawsuits

Unfortunately, America has become a litigious society. Many people are looking for excuses to take you to court or sue you. Legal fees and potential settlements can mean the ruin of your small business. Hiring professionals to conduct surveillance investigations may gather the information you need to defend your business from a possible lawsuit. 

For example, suppose the surveillance uncovers that this person has a history of filing slip-and-fall cases against small businesses, and their injuries are not as severe as they present. In that case, you may be able to get the case dismissed as soon as the claimant files it. 

For more information on surveillance investigations, contact an investigator in your area.
